Saturday, May 30, 2015

Adrian Peterson and The Abused Child 5-30-15

Proverbs 13:24 “He that spareth his rod hateth his son; but he that loveth him chasteneth him early.”
First things first: I detest the term “black man”, “white people” and any other term that clarifies people according to the color of their skin. Maybe some day we’ll get over it and be able to look at people as people. Cam Newton has great athletic ability, but one of the things I admire most about him is his refusal to get into the black / white issue regardless of the media’s pressure.  

Well of course all white people are racist. That’s exactly why all white people have hated Bill Cosby for his entire career and why he’s been so unsuccessful. Same with Oprah – she ain’t got a dime to her name. Richard Pryor too – except when he was in his red light comedy mode. (I’m getting to a point here so please be patient.) The truth is that the vast majority of white people delight in a successful black man (or woman).

I’m supporting Ben Carson for President and not because he’s black, but because of his faith, honesty and correct diagnosis of what needs to be fixed in America after the Obama fiasco.

OK – back to the point. Bill Cosby did a routine many years ago that talked about his Dad’s discipline. “Son, I brought you into this world and I can sure take you back out”. He was a tough guy. Richard’s Pryor’s skit was that his Dad would give him one whack of the belt for every word he spoke: “I (whack) told (whack) you (whack) never (whack) to (whack) … well, you get the idea. Hmmm, wonder if there’s a connection between discipline and success?

(ADD Alert 1 – I have to mention Bill Cosby’s recent troubles. Men are pretty bad sexually as we’ll all admit, but there’s one thing I don’t understand. One of his supposed victims <sic> said he’d drugged her 6 or 7 times. Hmmm, wonder if there’s any shared responsibility here?)

(ADD Alert 2 – In Which Way is Up, one of Richard’s roles was Rev. Lenox Thomas. After the church realizes he’s been messing with the choir they chase him out of the church and he runs into a steam roller. The next scene is his funeral and he’s in a casket about 12 inches tall; appropriate since he’d been flattened by the steam roller; hilarious.)

Children are a gift from the Lord and should be cared for and protected. In the US there are about 46 million kids under the age of 12 ( Over 122,000 were determined to be victims of physical abuse (; about 2.7 percent. While one case of abuse is too many, the statistics are that the vast majority of fathers are not abusive; not what the liberal media would have you believe. Please remember that Good Will Hunting was a movie, not reality.

Someone has told me that John and Charles Wesley’s mother said that if you didn’t discipline your children before the age of two, you were probably too late. These men went on to serve God and establish the Methodist denomination. Each of my sons has experienced my wrath after acting up in church. They each developed a sense of respect for God’s house. My sister got tired of me whining about not being a good father and finally said “at least you’re there”.

 So, what do we say about Adrian Peterson? I’ve seen the photos of his son but don’t really know all the details. At least he’s there with the desire of a father to correct his child. Maybe he needs some help in learning to control his temper (like most of us). The NFL and the Vikings should have minded their own business on this one.

The word for “rod” in scripture is “shebet” which can also mean club. I’m glad my Dad didn’t read Hebrew. The Commandment to honor your Father and Mother has a promise …. “that you may live long in the land”. A death sentence was called upon those dishonoring Father or Mother; a certain way to reduce your lifespan.

Dr. Mark Lee is one of my heroes. He did pre-marital counseling for 40 years and developed a program titled “50 Questions on Marriage”. One of the questions was to determine how you were going to discipline your kids. He said his kids might get away with sassing him, but if they sassed heir mother, they wouldn’t even see it coming.

Mighty Father,
We have felt thy discipline and are thankful
For thy mercy and grace
And love for us.
Help us Abba,
to accept thy diving correction,
And in love
To correct our children as well.
Blessed Lord
Restrain the hand of those who would
Abuse their children
In any way.
Protect these little ones Blessed Father.
Strengthen their angels
And deliver them from
The abusive man.
We pray also Father
For the abusive man;
That he might not visit the abusive experience he has had
Upon his own offspring.

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