Saturday, May 23, 2015

Heaven versus Hell – Generally Speaking 5-23-15

Genesis 5:3 “And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.”

            The quote I heard was “All generalities are false”. Hmmm, well let’s see; that’s a generality as well. So, if all generalities are false, then it must be that that generality is false as well and that some generalities therefore must be true. For example, I heard the below from a friend sometime ago as a description of how we look at various cultures:

Heaven                                                                       Hell
German Mechanics                                                     German Police
Swiss Bankers                                                             Swiss lovers
English Police                                                             English Cooks
French Cooks                                                              French Mechanics
Italian Lovers                                                              Italian Bankers

            Has a ring of truth doesn’t it? But does that have to do with our preconceptions or with the actual abilities of a given culture? I’m sure there are bad German mechanics and good French ones. (ADD Alert – I was on an Airbus into Denver recently that started having smoke in the cabin just after we landed. We had to jump off the plane – not something on my Bucket List. So the thought that the Airbus is French built did cross my mind. I was thankful it didn’t happen at 35,000 feet.)

             When I was a youth, products from Japan were regularly dissed. Then Deming (see went to Japan and taught them quality and process improvement. Sony bought the transistor from (I think it was Motorola) and in a generation the Japanese went from radios to producing world class cars. My current prejudice is products from China – Hey, it’ll be half price just be sure and buy two – one will have problems.

            The truth is amazing: Abba in His wonderful creative nature has created and continues to create individuals. Not a single soul on this planet is exactly like anyone else. Regardless of our preconceptions regarding cultures, each person is unique.

My OCD requires I read the Bible from front to back. I was struggling through the “begats” one time and paused and asked Abba what was important about naming all these people. It came to me that He knew each one of them, as He knows each one of us today. Don’t despair; God knows you, He knows your name and He knows the problems you face each day. He loves you as an individual; an individual that He created.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith The Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Creative Father, Mighty God
Help us to rejoice
In the Wonder of Your creative power
And see others as individuals.
Without prejudice,
Without preconception.
Delighting in our differences,
And rejoicing in our common bond as Your creation.

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