Sunday, May 17, 2015

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire No. 1 (Revised) 5-17-15

         Well, well – I had to withdraw the original version of this post. I’ve stated one of my RRs (Radio Rabbis) is Steve Brown of KeyLife ( Steve sends out a newsletter each month which is great teaching. The Newsletter I received after the post said that it might be a good idea not to expose all your faults – even to your best friends – because it can destroy relationships and hurt your witness. BTW – it’s OK with Jesus because he knows everything anyway.

Maybe I’ll just quit blogging all together. My purpose was to speak to other Christians about struggles I’ve faced in an attempt to encourage them and give them hope. In other words, if Jesus can save someone with as terrible a past as I’ve had then he can save you too. I guess I’ll keep going and try to remember to pray before I write, as well as try to be more generic about my sin.

It’s been said that Dietrich Banhoeffer, the brilliant theologian who resisted the Nazis until they hung him just before the end of WW II, visited America and was asked what was the most important thing he had learned in his distinguished career. He replied, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Maybe if we keep that in mind, we can all be a little more effective. As Rick Warren said “it’s not about you” (or me).

So here is the revised “Liar, Liar …”

Eighth grade, junior high: I saw a friend who arrived late to class with an excuse slip. He let me read the excuse; it said” Unexcused Absence”, the reason he wrote was “I overslept”. Wow – couldn’t he think of anything better than the truth? I remember that to this day and hope he continues in truth.

            So Tom Brady’s taking the hit for “Deflategate” and maybe he should. The thing that struck me was Belichick’s original interview about the issue. It seemed it could be summed up as: Ball? The game is played with a ball? Kinda like Roy Williams and the North Carolina basketball players not going to classes: Classes? You mean players have to go to class? Why can’t people take some responsibility?

Harry Reid recently admitted he lied about Mitt Romney never paying taxes. His justification: “Well, who won the election”. I suppose in his mind the end justifies the means.

            Hear America, the inspired voice of the Apostle of Love, the gentle, the kind, the encouraging John; the one whom Jesus loved:

Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelievers, and the abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Merciful Father forgive me
And cleanse me from the sin of false speech;
 when I’ve taken the easy way out,
and failed in truthfulness.
Also Mighty Abba, I pray
For all Your servants,
That they may see the light of Your Truth
And be reconciled to You.
My Lord, My King
I also pray for all leaders of our country,
That they may speak truth
And let the light shine on all their activities.
Abide with us Lord Jesus,
May your Spirit convict and overwhelm us
That your Grace may be shed on America
And that our country may be healed.

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