Thursday, April 16, 2015

Man – I Don't Feel Like a Woman Apr. 16, 2015

In the Post “For Men Only” I said this Blog is just that. Now that all the women have left in a huff and are already on the phone telling their friends what an MCP that blogger is, we can discuss them in honest privacy without fear of disturbance. I’m sure any woman who happened to find this obscure blog has a lot of righteous anger, which I (along with most men) have great talent for causing. But they’ll get over it and won’t ever mention it again until the opportunity for elephantine memory kicks in when you say something wrong 20 years from now.

Man, don’t you just love women. Dealing with women is one of my life’s most delightful experiences. At home work or play, women bring such a unique perspective to most every issue that it’s eye opening and certainly one of the great spices of life. But as with scripture, you have to pay close attention to ensure proper understanding and even then we men have only limited capacity. It has been said that there are two things men must know about women – and nobody knows either one.

It’s not only the physical attraction and relationship that exists, but the total mental interaction as well. If any of us could look through Abba’s eyes, we would probably see His wondrous creative nature in the mental differences between the sexes. I mean really, think about it – both sexes have feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, buttocks (please think of that word in the innocent speech of Forrest Gump - “buh-tocks”), torsos (with all the internal bodily systems), necks, arms, heads and brains (regardless of either sexes legitimate opinion to the contrary), yada, yada, yada. So, in my humble opinion, other than the obvious sexual differences, the mental differences are really what distinguish the sexes.

Our Father, Our Lord, Our King
Thou art worthy of better servants,
Of more obedient children.
Let thy grace continue toward us.

We are thine oh Lord
Accept our insufficient praise.
We stand in awe of the beauty of thy creation
And delight in the wonder of thy perfection.

We delight Father in thy wondrous creative skills
As shown in this world.
For thou hast made male and female,
Beyond understanding, beyond comprehension.

We seek thee early Father
And desire understanding of thy creation.
Help us holy Father to be better men,
Better husbands, better fathers, better workers.

We confess our failures to Thee -
We have lived in the flesh rather than apart from it,
We have loved ourselves rather than our wives,
We have raised our children to seek the world.

Forgive us blessed Father,
Change us and make us more Christ-like.
With humble and contrite hearts,
We desire thy Spirit to rule in our lives.

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