Saturday, April 11, 2015

Christ Jesus the King - Apr. 11, 2015

What can we say to those who aren’t interested in scripture, don’t believe the prophecies or think this is a nice thing for the Jewish faith but doesn’t really apply to anyone else? After all, they live decent lives, live to high moral standards, don’t kill, rob or harm others and just want to be left alone to do their own thing. They believe in individual rights and freedoms and don’t feel any king should have sway over their existence. Even more important, how can we stand in the face of such logic and protect and grow our own faith?

We’ll talk about these issues later, but at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter if anyone confesses Christ is Lord or not. Kings are not appointed or voted into position. Christ remains King whether or not He is acknowledged. He does as He wills without asking permission or the opinion of others. He just is King. Thanks be to Abba that our King is good, that He only wants what’s best for us, that He sacrificed himself to allow us the opportunity to be with Him for eternity. We rejoice in His authority and in the recognition that will be provided by believers and unbelievers alike.

“I have sworn by Myself, the Word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.” Isaiah 45:23.

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” Romans 14:11.

I lie prostrate before My Lord.
My King, my Savior, my God.
The radiance of His holiness
Would consume me, but I remain.

Bent at the waist with hands outstretched,
Palms turned down, forehead on the floor,
knees bowed.
The position is natural, comfortable

Clothed in shimmering mithril,
A covering of righteousness
Which allows me to bear His presence.
How am I here? He called me.

I know my unworthiness, my sin.
But they are no longer remembered.
Clean hands and a pure heart remain,
My soul is restored

Cry out with joy and praise,
A beautiful sound escapes,
My profane lips have been cleansed
By the truth fire from his censer.
He calls
I slowly lift my head
and see the outstretched hands
pierced by the nails of my transgressions.

My child, my servant, my friend.
Go forth
And speak the good news.

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