Monday, March 23, 2015

The Problem - Mar. 23, 2015

Boys the good ole U S of A is in bad trouble:

      Syncretism, the primary sin of Israel during the period of the Judges, is alive and well as we are told all gods are paths to Heaven,

      Certain physicians think the Hippocratic oath said “first of all do harm” as we abort a million helpless infants every year,

      It seems most State and Federal legislators make law in accordance with the dictates of lobbyists rather than the good of the Country, with a focus on how to best enrich themselves, their family members and friends,

      The Constitution is being shredded before our very eyes as regulators  make policy based on executive fiat rather than legislation,

      Just as in the final days of the Grecian and Roman empires, sexual orientation has become something we actually have to accept or risk being called ignorant or closed minded,

      Congress is spending us into oblivion and the Press that our Founders thought would protect us has been infiltrated by those who would destroy our Nation,

      Unemployment remains high and I know fine, hard working, experienced people who can’t find a job. Our manufacturing base is gone, headed out of the Country to places with less regulation.

We are hurting and don’t know where to turn and you know what - it’s our own fault. The problem with America is men, specifically Christian men. It seems the majority of us can be characterized as a bunch of hedonist, self serving, prideful, vainglorious, self-centered, worldly, sinful, materialistic nincompoops with no desire to be the men God called us to be. A carnal Christian is barely distinguishable from a pagan. Does your Christianity cause you to be different from those in the world … it should.

A popular radio host said recently that our country’s financial problems are just a symptom of really what’s wrong with the Country – a moral and spiritual crisis that is becoming the downfall of America. But you know what else - there’s a sure fire cure to what ails us:

“If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Did you notice that God isn’t calling pagans to humility, prayer and repentance? He’s calling us, those who are called by His name.  Is it too late? Is our witness and impact on society weak because we are weak in our faith or are we consumed by the cares of the world? Do we still have a chance? I don’t know; ever notice there’s no mention of any “nation from the west” in prophetic scripture. All I know is we better get about the business of turning the world right side up.  May Abba help us.

This writing was intended to be a book of prayer and I hope that focus comes through. The Evil One tries to do everything possible to keep you from a relationship with Abba. If you discipline yourself to keep at it, you will prevail. Prayer is the most important and powerful tool you have – use it.
Lord, teach us to humble ourselves and pray.
Teach us to seek your face and turn from wickedness.
Abba forgive us of our sin
And deliver us from the Evil One.

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