Monday, March 23, 2015

For Men Only - Mar. 23, 2015

Ecclesiastes 1:9 – “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun.”

Recently, I saw a quote that said “I always have a quotation for every situation. It saves the trouble of original thought”. It seems life is just that sometimes – a collection of memories of different situations that have had an impact on you – rather than bright, original ideas which guide thinking. As a tried and true baby boomer, the impacts I remember and will discuss in this blog are associated with the entertainment I grew up with as a child – a lot of TV, music and movies and not enough reading.

My own discovery of the truth in scripture, the truth we can trust to live by, the truth we can use to check our own human thinking has changed my perspective, but not my humanity. During my reading of the scripture, and effective teaching via my Radio Rabbis, it quickly became obvious that my flesh spoke differently than Abba. That is the essence of this writing: what are thoughts common in our society and what does the Bible say about them. 

 I must admit upfront that I have difficulty with the concept of the inerrancy of scripture. No claim is here made regarding biblical scholarship, or any other scholarship for that matter, and I’m sure anyone can look for scriptural errors and use that to justify disbelief or claim fleshly understanding. Even I used to think that if Abba wanted to create man via evolution and use the scripture for more important issues then that was fine with me.
Another problem I have with scripture is the Apostle to the Gentiles claim “to be the Chief of sinners”. As a Christian, I tearfully confess that I claim that disgusting title; for I have repeatedly broken every commandment and do until this day. I refuse to allow Abba his rightful place as first in my life,  my issue has been sacrificed to the god of convenience, my concern is with myself rather than others, and unfaithfulness is the habit of my mind; if not for mighty Abba, I would have fallen more often that I have.

After ranting and raving about some question of the day which in the flesh there is no doubt of perfect understanding, as a usual last resort I turn to Abba and see what he has to say. My hope in this writing is that you may discover something that encourages you, makes you smile, challenges you, increases your desire to find truth or helps you formulate good habits - Abba knows I need them all.
          Lastly, this site is for men. Kathleen Parker (one of my favorite editorialists) said in a recent radio interview that the Women’s Struggle is basically over. “When we’re down to trying to get into certain boy’s clubs, like Augusta National, the big things are done”.  Now to start the adventure, I must say - if you are a woman, this site is not for you. Cut off the computer, go give your husband some loving and fix him a decent meal for a change. As Dicken’s Squeers would define: de-cent me-al (noun substantive): pertaining to, or involving, meat and taters.

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