Monday, March 30, 2015

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Blog - Mar. 30, 2015

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine ..."

    My wife tells me sometimes "You think you're so d_ funny". Well, I do; nothing on the order of:
  • Ken Davis,, who does a hilarious story about trying to get his small daughter to sleep, or
  • Tim Hawkins,, whose song, "These are the things you don't  say to your Wife" is delightful,
but I try. For example: I have a nephew and a brother in law that are so far left I wonder sometimes if I'm in Bizarro world. They are both absolutely hostile to Fox News. So, you know how you can set up favorites lists on your satellite TV? I set them both up their own, unique favorites list for when they come to visit. The only channel on their list is Fox News.

    A word about Fox News. I don't understand why the libs hate it so much; I mean they have Mara Liasson and Juan Williams - what more could a lib want? I listened to Mara and Juan on NPR before they were on TV and I always respected their opinions.

    I especially like the Panel discussions on Special Report. People care for Charles Krauthammer not only because of his intelligence, reasoned opinions, and unique life story, but also because when he's introduced, he looks straight into the camera and nods - recognizing there are people listening to him. What a nice act of acknowledgement. Also, for some sui generis reason, Mara reminds me of Wilma Flintstone, especially when she wears her white necklace with big stones. This is not a dis, Wilma was always a favorite Flintstone's character.
Blessed Abba, Wondrous Father
Grant us humor and laughter,
That we may delight in your work,
and those whom You created.
Even as the heir of Abraham
was named Laughter.

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