Monday, March 30, 2015

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Blog - Mar. 30, 2015

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine ..."

    My wife tells me sometimes "You think you're so d_ funny". Well, I do; nothing on the order of:
  • Ken Davis,, who does a hilarious story about trying to get his small daughter to sleep, or
  • Tim Hawkins,, whose song, "These are the things you don't  say to your Wife" is delightful,
but I try. For example: I have a nephew and a brother in law that are so far left I wonder sometimes if I'm in Bizarro world. They are both absolutely hostile to Fox News. So, you know how you can set up favorites lists on your satellite TV? I set them both up their own, unique favorites list for when they come to visit. The only channel on their list is Fox News.

    A word about Fox News. I don't understand why the libs hate it so much; I mean they have Mara Liasson and Juan Williams - what more could a lib want? I listened to Mara and Juan on NPR before they were on TV and I always respected their opinions.

    I especially like the Panel discussions on Special Report. People care for Charles Krauthammer not only because of his intelligence, reasoned opinions, and unique life story, but also because when he's introduced, he looks straight into the camera and nods - recognizing there are people listening to him. What a nice act of acknowledgement. Also, for some sui generis reason, Mara reminds me of Wilma Flintstone, especially when she wears her white necklace with big stones. This is not a dis, Wilma was always a favorite Flintstone's character.
Blessed Abba, Wondrous Father
Grant us humor and laughter,
That we may delight in your work,
and those whom You created.
Even as the heir of Abraham
was named Laughter.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Radio Rabbis - Mar. 26, 2015

Romans 10:15 – “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace (see Isaiah 52:7), and bring glad tidings of good things!”

A previous post mentioned Radio Rabbis. It’s certainly worthwhile to check these guys out. They are dynamic preachers, bible scholars, apologists and have effective ministries that focus on various aspects of Christianity. I delight in them all and wish I listened more often. 

Steve Brown, Keylife:
Greg Laurie, Harvest Ministries:
John MacArthur, Grace to You:
Alistair Begg, Truth for Life:
Tony Evans, Urban Alternative:
Chuck Swindoll, Insight for Living:
David Jeremiah, Turning Point:

            I used to think that Greg tore me down everyday and that Steve built me back up. John taught me scripture means what it says. Alistair brings Christian reality (although I still don’t truly understand his sermon on Columbine). Tony taught me about Christian unity and David about love and humor; Chuck is good for everything. I hope none of them take offense (or sue me) if I use their teaching, take it out of context or plagiarize something. Nobody will probably read the blog anyway, so I’m not sweating it.

Glorious Abba,
Abide with those who preach the Gospel
And let them abide more deeply in you.
Guide and protect them,
secure their work
and make their ministries more effective.
Not only those mentioned Blessed Father,
But especially the young pastor in the small Church,
Who wonders if he’s doing any good.
Oh, delight in him, my Lord
And bless him and his family,
That they might rejoice in You.
In Jesus name. Amen

Monday, March 23, 2015

For Men Only - Mar. 23, 2015

Ecclesiastes 1:9 – “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun.”

Recently, I saw a quote that said “I always have a quotation for every situation. It saves the trouble of original thought”. It seems life is just that sometimes – a collection of memories of different situations that have had an impact on you – rather than bright, original ideas which guide thinking. As a tried and true baby boomer, the impacts I remember and will discuss in this blog are associated with the entertainment I grew up with as a child – a lot of TV, music and movies and not enough reading.

My own discovery of the truth in scripture, the truth we can trust to live by, the truth we can use to check our own human thinking has changed my perspective, but not my humanity. During my reading of the scripture, and effective teaching via my Radio Rabbis, it quickly became obvious that my flesh spoke differently than Abba. That is the essence of this writing: what are thoughts common in our society and what does the Bible say about them. 

 I must admit upfront that I have difficulty with the concept of the inerrancy of scripture. No claim is here made regarding biblical scholarship, or any other scholarship for that matter, and I’m sure anyone can look for scriptural errors and use that to justify disbelief or claim fleshly understanding. Even I used to think that if Abba wanted to create man via evolution and use the scripture for more important issues then that was fine with me.
Another problem I have with scripture is the Apostle to the Gentiles claim “to be the Chief of sinners”. As a Christian, I tearfully confess that I claim that disgusting title; for I have repeatedly broken every commandment and do until this day. I refuse to allow Abba his rightful place as first in my life,  my issue has been sacrificed to the god of convenience, my concern is with myself rather than others, and unfaithfulness is the habit of my mind; if not for mighty Abba, I would have fallen more often that I have.

After ranting and raving about some question of the day which in the flesh there is no doubt of perfect understanding, as a usual last resort I turn to Abba and see what he has to say. My hope in this writing is that you may discover something that encourages you, makes you smile, challenges you, increases your desire to find truth or helps you formulate good habits - Abba knows I need them all.
          Lastly, this site is for men. Kathleen Parker (one of my favorite editorialists) said in a recent radio interview that the Women’s Struggle is basically over. “When we’re down to trying to get into certain boy’s clubs, like Augusta National, the big things are done”.  Now to start the adventure, I must say - if you are a woman, this site is not for you. Cut off the computer, go give your husband some loving and fix him a decent meal for a change. As Dicken’s Squeers would define: de-cent me-al (noun substantive): pertaining to, or involving, meat and taters.

The Problem - Mar. 23, 2015

Boys the good ole U S of A is in bad trouble:

      Syncretism, the primary sin of Israel during the period of the Judges, is alive and well as we are told all gods are paths to Heaven,

      Certain physicians think the Hippocratic oath said “first of all do harm” as we abort a million helpless infants every year,

      It seems most State and Federal legislators make law in accordance with the dictates of lobbyists rather than the good of the Country, with a focus on how to best enrich themselves, their family members and friends,

      The Constitution is being shredded before our very eyes as regulators  make policy based on executive fiat rather than legislation,

      Just as in the final days of the Grecian and Roman empires, sexual orientation has become something we actually have to accept or risk being called ignorant or closed minded,

      Congress is spending us into oblivion and the Press that our Founders thought would protect us has been infiltrated by those who would destroy our Nation,

      Unemployment remains high and I know fine, hard working, experienced people who can’t find a job. Our manufacturing base is gone, headed out of the Country to places with less regulation.

We are hurting and don’t know where to turn and you know what - it’s our own fault. The problem with America is men, specifically Christian men. It seems the majority of us can be characterized as a bunch of hedonist, self serving, prideful, vainglorious, self-centered, worldly, sinful, materialistic nincompoops with no desire to be the men God called us to be. A carnal Christian is barely distinguishable from a pagan. Does your Christianity cause you to be different from those in the world … it should.

A popular radio host said recently that our country’s financial problems are just a symptom of really what’s wrong with the Country – a moral and spiritual crisis that is becoming the downfall of America. But you know what else - there’s a sure fire cure to what ails us:

“If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Did you notice that God isn’t calling pagans to humility, prayer and repentance? He’s calling us, those who are called by His name.  Is it too late? Is our witness and impact on society weak because we are weak in our faith or are we consumed by the cares of the world? Do we still have a chance? I don’t know; ever notice there’s no mention of any “nation from the west” in prophetic scripture. All I know is we better get about the business of turning the world right side up.  May Abba help us.

This writing was intended to be a book of prayer and I hope that focus comes through. The Evil One tries to do everything possible to keep you from a relationship with Abba. If you discipline yourself to keep at it, you will prevail. Prayer is the most important and powerful tool you have – use it.
Lord, teach us to humble ourselves and pray.
Teach us to seek your face and turn from wickedness.
Abba forgive us of our sin
And deliver us from the Evil One.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Welcome To "Psalms For Men"

"Psalms For (Christian) Men Online" - Bible based commentary for men.

There will be regular posts of commentary regarding issues facing men today - from marriage and children to death. We believe the Bible means what it says and not what we might like it to say. Our intent is to help men everywhere take full advantage of this ancient yet timeless information to transform their current lives - to better themselves as husbands, sons, fathers and friends - and to better serve the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

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Thank You for your interest in this "blueprint for living" and may God bless you and your life to the fullest.